1802Archivio StoricoAbrégé chronologique de la Révolution de France, à l’usage des écoles publiques; par Ant. Fantin Desodoards. Vol. 3
1830Archivio StoricoMemorie storiche del ministero de’ due viaggi in Francia e della prigionia nel forte di san Carlo in Fenestrelle del card. Bartolomeo Pacca scritta da lui medesimo, e divise in tre parti
1814Archivio StoricoMemoir of the Queen of Etruria, written by herself / An authentic narrative of the seizure and removal of Pope Pius 7 on the 6th of July, 1809, with genuine memoirs of his journey from Rome to France, and thence to Savona, written by one of his attendants. Translated from the italian
1857Archivio StoricoHistoire du Consulat et de l’Empire, faisant suite a l’histoire de la Révolution française, par Ad. Thiers. Vol. 7